Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An Eagle Scout on Gay Scouts

I wrote the following letter and sent it to the Indianapolis Star with the hopes that they would publish it in their "Letter to the Editor" section:

There’s a little known litmus test among Eagle Scouts that instantly tells the worth of that Eagle Scout.  Ask him if he “was” an Eagle Scout or if he “is” an Eagle Scout.  The correct answer to that question earned me my first internship in college. No one achieves Eagle without sacrifice and hard work.  But this long path achieves the highest goal of the BSA; it builds the character that turns little boys into men who can lead.  A man who answers that he “was” an Eagle Scout has forgotten that.  A man that answers “is” remembers that character and uses it to be the best man that he can.  I AM an Eagle Scout.
One of the lessons I learned on my trail to Eagle was to stand where you’re supposed to stand.  Originally I was to stand in a line and goof-off hit the scout next to me, then I was to stand at attention to raise and lower the flag and say the Scout Oath and Law.  That moved to standing in honor to those who’d earned it.  Then I was taught the most important part of standing: to stand for what is right.
Beliefs and experience have convinced me not to support the inclusion of avowed homosexuals into scouting.  Supporting scouting to continue as it has is not a decision made from malice or political ideology but a decision made for the long term benefit of scouting and for the boys who benefit.  It is not enough to merely have the right belief if I do not have the character to have right action.  I must be willing to stand for what is right regardless of the cost.  If the Boy Scouts of America change their policy to allow homosexuals then I will return my Eagle Scout pin.  Part of my identity is in being an Eagle Scout and I can offer no greater sacrifice and give no greater example.  It is not my desire or wish to do this but I AM an Eagle Scout and I have not forgotten the lessons that formed my character, helped me grow into manhood and distinguished me as a leader in life.  Because I am an Eagle Scout I will stand.

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