The biopic of Martin Luther King Jr. named "Selma" was not awarded an Oscar nomination for 2014. The outrage is that all of the directors, actors, and actresses that were awarded nominations are white. The general consensus is that a bunch of old white people in Hollywood are 'not with the times' and are still racist old bigots. Now I'm not taking the time for journalistic integrity to cite the examples I've read over the past several days but hey, I'm not a journalist and am not getting paid for this and don't have the time required to write a professional quality piece. If you doubt me a quick search through the opinions on the issue will yield sufficient results.
Much of the sentiment seems to be that at the very least Ava DuVernay should have been awarded an "honorary" nomination for best director or the film nominated for best picture to show the significance of the subject matter. Hopefully Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'Dream' is being realized and people are being judged by the content of their character, and by extension, their abilities. If the movie, it's actors/actresses, or director are not worthy of an Academy Award nomination, then they should not receive one, regardless of their skin color.
In the post-racial world, there cannot be "honorary" or token anything to include racial diversity in anything. People must be judged according to their own merits at all times and not according to their skin color. If a group of people is without color diversity, then let it be because that group was best served by those people.
To finalize my point I'll ask this question: "Could a white man (or Asian, or Hispanic for that matter) portray MLKjr in a film and be socially accepted?" I think not. There's some practicalities to observe since most of MLKjr's public life revolved around his battle for racial equality. To give a real example though, I am a massive, gigantic fan of Idris Elba. Ever since "The Wire" I've tried to watch much of what he does. Luther is good too. Mr. Elba was cast and performed as Heimdall in both "Thor" and it's sequel. The catch is that Heimdall is the steroetypical viking with hyper white skin, and blond hair. Idris Elba is black. He also performed amazingly and I can't imagine another actor, regardless of skill level, doing a better job. I've chosen to let his performance shine above his skin color, as have many. Hopefully this is what happened with Selma, and not what everyone fears.
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